A student from the Engineering University in Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has developed innovative software capable of instantly detecting and tracking the exact location of aerial gunfire within the city.

It could be a significant advancement in combating rising crimes related to aerial gun firing, as it enables the police to receive alerts about the precise location of gunfire within a few seconds.

According to the Engineering student, Muhammad Ali, the software helps to identify the source of gunfire in less than five seconds. Ali further explained that this project allows law enforcement authorities to track down criminals using Google Maps.

Aerial firing tracking software developed by Mardan student uses google maps

The software uses advanced algorithms and sound detection technology to accurately locate the origin of gunshots. Once detected, the system sends real-time notifications to law enforcement agencies, helping them respond swiftly and effectively.

This technology not only aids in quicker response times but also serves as a deterrent to criminal activities involving firearms and specifically aerial firing incidents, which often claim the lives of innocents. This software would prove a groundbreaking step in this regard by providing accurate data and reducing response times for the Police to take action against the offenders in best public interest and safety.