Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: An Engineering student, Adil Bacha, from the University of Engineering and Technology Mardan has created an electric-powered wheelchair that can be controlled using brain signals.

Adil Bacha, the innovator behind this revolutionary wheelchair, explained that it’s specifically designed for patients, who have functional brains but are paralyzed in the rest of their bodies. This cutting-edge technology allows even those who cannot communicate verbally to navigate independently.

“I have developed this wheelchair to empower patients to move freely from one place to another,” Bacha said.

This brain-controlled wheelchair is a significant advancement in assistive technology, offering newfound independence and mobility to individuals with severe physical disabilities. The system uses advanced neural interface technology to interpret brain signals and convert them into movement commands for the wheelchair.

brain controlled wheel chair developed by a pakistani engineering student from Mardan

Pakistani students have a history of showcasing their talent and creativity through innovative solutions that address societal needs. The talented Adil Bacha’s invention is another remarkable example of how young Pakistani minds are contributing to technological advancements and improving the quality of life for those in need.

Recently, another Engineering student from the same city of Mardan developed an innovate software that tracks aerial gun firing within a few seconds to help law enforcing authorities to counter the rising firearms related crimes.